Solar Farm in Baker County

The Solar Farm as it was – a tree farm.
Courtesy of Google Maps
It is only when a project goes wrong somewhere that most average consumers can fully appreciate the value of what civil engineers provide. Take this solar farm project in Essex county, VA, where extended rain undermined all of the sediment traps, diversion ditches, damps and temporary basins, causing water in various rivers to turn brown. (February 2018)
Sediment run off was created when consistent inclement weather prevented vegetation from growing round the sloped areas, it seems, leading to soil erosion. Additionally, the retention ponds were eliminated too soon, given that there was more rain than the property could handle.
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
What is a Solar Farm?
It is more than the panels on your roof, or a few acres of metallic looking panels called solar photovoltaic (PV) panels that attract the sun and turn the energy into green, clean electricity at significant scale to feed into a municipal or county grid.
The panels contain inverters that convert the DC electricity captured from the sun and turns it into the alternating current (AC) that powers our lives.
The use of “farm” means that it is a multiple acre’d installation. A few panels on a rooftop or in a community tends to referred to as a solar garden.

The Magic Kingdom Goes Green
When Disney World starts harnessing solar power you know this is the future. According to a New York Times article in October 2018, “The Walt Disney Company is just months away from generating enough renewable solar energy to fully power two of its four parks at the Walt Disney World Resort in central Florida.”
If only Walt knew how far his legacy would reach into the future and pull us all forward!
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