When A Recession Halts Construction, Nature Grows Back

James Johns, Owner, Solid Rock Engineering
When the last Recession hit, many builders didn’t think it would last long. Projects were paused, mid-step, and supplies left in place thinking that crews would resume work in a mere couple of months. Now, sun-damage to those pipes and concrete pipe holders is the least of the builders’ problems. Now, they need a Jacksonville Civil Engineering Firm to re-permit.
It’s been 10 years since this 15 acre office park started construction. In the intervening years, codes have changed. The number of parking spaces, how much landscaping, the placement of conduits…all have updated codes, and there are many more! Plus, personnel has changed. How one person interprets a hard line is not always in the same manner as “new guy”. (generically speaking) AND, stuff grows. Trees pop up next to sewer lines that are not allowed at all. To say, “Nature doesn’t comply with code.” is the understatement of the decade! On this project there was already $2 million in the ground when the shut-down came.
The overgrown field was for 300 office units. 8 were built.
In Jacksonville, the economy tanked hard, fast and l o n g. This office park on Greenland Road, in the Mandarin area, had been prepared for 300 office condos; only 8 were built.. The pipes and conduits were in. So were fire hydrants and a one acre retention pond. While Solid Rock Engineering is delighted to be returning to the site to re-permit, we find it astounding how quickly Nature has grown over.
This is what would happen to your yard, if you left it alone for 10 years! Lantana and some beautiful grasses seem to have taken hold, but so has trees, weeds and ugly, thorny thickets. Right next to a sewer’s manhole there is now a healthy looking tree that will have to be carefully removed so that the water-loving roots don’t destroy the piping.
The flourishing tree next to a sewer manhole.